This year I made the decision to dive into the shoe industry feet first by designing my own training shoes which i now call the PURPOSE X1's . I'm still at the beginning of this this uphill battle but my vision is so strong i will never give up on this journey. Without the money & resources you are basically no hope in this industry . I'm lucky I have found a supplier that wants to work with me & help me on this journey . Already we have made 5 colors in version 1 Orange , Black n Red , Grey , Red & Black . I was over the moon with how the first samples came out but the soles needed work they had no grip & weren't up to scratch .
Back to the drawing board I go . I had my team design THE PURPOSE X1 version 2 & it went to manufacturing again in October & they are about to finish that sample . With the first order of samples my supplier made a extra pair I wasn't expecting with a different sole , a sole that they owned & i can use . Honestly i thought it looked beautiful . You can see it pictured at the bottom of this page . The only thing is this shoe is for casual use only not training which doesn't really bother me but i had my hopes on bringing out the PURPOSE X1 first in 2022.
With the custom sole The PURPOSE X1 my minimum order would need to meet at least 600 pairs but with the casual shoe it would only be 200-300 pairs . This has a great impact on the cost & overall price especially when you are doing everything from your own pocket .
One of my inspirations has come from reading the SHOE DOG by Phil Night the founder of NIKE it has opened my eyes to a whole new world if you get a chance read it you wont be disappointed.
So at this stage in 2022 I will release the casual version of the PURPOSE X1 get to know the demand and market then release the Training Version .
When you buy a pair of shoes or one of our NFT's you are supporting this journey & I welcome you along for the ride its going to be a long one but i am determined to get there . Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more updates.